Posts Tagged ‘stem cell news’

Stem Cell Therapy for MS and CCSVI

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

A Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Cerbrospinal Venous Insufficiency Patient 

This video illustrates incredible results in just two days for a patient who underwent full adult stem cell replacement therapy.

Adult stem cells are the way of the future. 

Scientifically proven, natural stem cell supplements that activate your own adult stem cells from your bone marrow are now available. 

Adult Stem Cells Providing Quick Pain Relief

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

BELLAIRE, Texas –  A Houston hospital is using an innovative way to help patients heal quickly by using their own stem cells after they have surgery. 

Barbara Rogers cannot believe how quickly her own adult stem cells helped her overcome crippling pain and heal faster than ever. She says it is all thanks to surgeons at Foundation Surgical Hospital. Watch the video below to hear about Barbara’s remarkable recovery.

Incredible breakthroughs such as these are enabling huge advancements to be made in both the medical and scientific world.

It is is now possible to stimulate your own healthy stem cells from your bone marrow with a natural product called colostem

By doing so, you will be much better equipped to fight disease and live a pain free, longer and healthier life.  Healthy stem cells repair and replace damaged tissue and strengthen the immune system.