Arthritis has long been huge anomaly for medical researchers across the world, but it appears that a commendable step has been taken towards giving relief to patients who have long been reeling under the excruciating pain. It has been confirmed that as part of a collaborative research, a new therapy has been devised which can use adult stem cells to repair the damaged joints.
So far, millions of patients were dependent on non-invasive treatments such as painkillers and physiotherapy, but this is probably a novel means through which a lot could be done to cure the patients.
Though joint replacement surgery is being seen as a sure shot treatment, one has to go through a long ordeal before going for the surgery as the last possible option.
As of now, the team is looking for potential donors which could make things a lot easier for arthritis patients in terms of cost.
“This early experimental work is the first step on a journey that could significantly reduce the need for joint replacement operations”, said Prof Alan Silman, Medical Director of Arthritis Research UK.
As the research is getting the warranted attention, it’s being believed that this study if being extended could change the face of the disease and perhaps then nearly 8 million people in the UK would be able to get some relief.
Reported on Top News Arab Emirates – http://topnews.ae