Posts Tagged ‘Stem Cell Worx’

Major Advances in Adult Stem Cell Research

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Thanks to the American Family Association for this video. Doctor David Prentice gives us another update on adult stem cell research.  The Doctor makes it clear, the differences between (more controversial) embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

Doctor Prentice explains that all of the progress and success stories have come with adult stem cells and will continue to do so.  Adult stem cells are  the future of healthcare and regenerative medicine.

Doctor Prentice explains that hundreds-of thousands of people have been treated with adult stem cell treatments/therapies.

This video is not intended to be political in any way.

Gene Wilder Discusses Stem Cell Replacement Therapy

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Gene Wilder was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in the early 2000s.  Listen to this video below when he spoke to Parkinson in 2009 to hear how full stem cell replacement therapy (using his own adult stem cells taken from his blood) helped him beat this blood cancer and provide him with a healthy start to a new life which he is embracing today.