Posts Tagged ‘Stem Cell Worx’

Adult Stem Cells For Failing Eyesight

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

The sight of diabetes sufferers could be saved by scientists at Queen’s University Belfast, who are developing a study using adult stem cells.  

Watch the video below to learn more.

A condition called Diabetic Retinopathy puts at risk the sight of those living with the disease.

High blood sugar causes blood vessels in the eye to become blocked or to leak. The failed blood flow harms the retina, leading to vision impairment. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness.

In the new study, scientists isolate stem cells from donors, expand them in a laboratory setting and re-deliver them to a patient where they help to repair the blood vessels in the eye.

The research focuses on specific adult stem-cells derived from bone-marrow, and developing ways to grow them.

They will be tested in several preclinical models of diabetic complications at centres in Belfast, Galway, Munich, Berlin and Porto before human trials take place in Denmark.

Professor Alan Stitt, the centre’s director and lead scientist for the project, explained the ground breaking project.

“This new research project is one of several regenerative medicine approaches ongoing in the centre.

“The approach is quite simple: we plan to isolate a very defined population of stem cells and then deliver them to sites in the body that have been damaged by diabetes. In the case of some patients with diabetes, they may gain enormous benefit from stem cell-mediated repair of damaged blood vessels in their retina.”

He added: “This is the first step towards an exciting new therapy in an area where it is desperately needed.”

Prof Stitt said procedures currently available deal with the latter stages of the condition Diabetic Retinopathy.

“Most of the procedures that are available are laser based, for example, and they are very effective at the late stages of diabetic retinopathy. But, they are pretty destructive because they cause burns to the retina.

“There are other therapies where we can have injections that are put directly into the eye and they show benefit – but again, they are very very late stage, what we’re talking about is actually preventing the disease at a much earlier stage for patients.”

© UTV News

Adult Stem Cells To Help Save Sight for Diabetes Sufferers

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

As reported in Science Daily [Feb. 14, 2013]

Scientists at Queen’s University Belfast are hoping to develop a novel approach that could save the sight of millions of diabetes sufferers by using adult stem cells.

Currently millions of diabetics worldwide are at risk of sight loss due to a condition called Diabetic Retinopathy. This is when high blood sugar causes the blood vessels in the eye to become blocked or to leak. Failed blood flow harms the retina and leads to vision impairment and if left untreated can lead to blindness.

The novel REDDSTAR study (Repair of Diabetic Damage by Stromal Cell Administration) involving researchers from Queen’s Centre for Vision and Vascular Science in the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, will see them isolating stem cells from donors, expanding them in a laboratory setting and re-delivering them to a patient where they help to repair the blood vessels in the eye. This is especially relevant to patients with diabetes were the vessels of the retina become damaged.

“Currently available treatments for diabetic retinopathy are not always satisfactory. They focus on end-stages of the disease, carry many side effects and fail to address the root causes of the condition. A novel, alternative therapeutic approach is to harness adult stem cells to promote regeneration of the damaged retinal blood vessels and thereby prevent and/or reverse retinopathy.”

“This new research project is one of several regenerative medicine approaches ongoing in the centre. The approach is quite simple: we plan to isolate a very defined population of stem cells and then deliver them to sites in the body that have been damaged by diabetes. In the case of some patients with diabetes, they may gain enormous benefit from stem cell-mediated repair of damaged blood vessels in their retina. This is the first step towards an exciting new therapy in an area where it is desperately needed.”

The research focuses on specific adult stem cells derived from bone-marrow.   

The project will develop ways to grow the bone-marrow-derived stem cells. They will be tested in several preclinical models of diabetic complications at centres in Belfast, Galway, Munich, Berlin and Porto before human trials take place in Denmark.

Further information on the Centre for Vision and Vascular Science at Queen’s is available online at: