Archive for the ‘stem cell nutrition’ Category

Stem Cell Therapy Has Huge Potential

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

As reported by: 13abc

Gordie Howe and son Murray

Stem Cell Therapy Has Huge Potential – This Video Link

As Gordie Howe makes world headlines with his remarkable recovery from a near life-ending stroke, the medical community responds with guarded enthusiasm surrounding stem cell therapy.  Howe suffered a massive stroke in October, that left him completely paralyzed on the right side of his body.  He remained bed ridden for two months until adult stem cell therapy was offered as a last resort treatment.  Howe’s son, Dr. Murray Howe M.D. researched the offer from Stemedia out of San Diego extensively.  The family decided to go ahead with the therapy feeling it was safe and posed no risks.  Howe’s response was dramatic and quick, allowing him to get up and walk with assistance 8 hours after the first treatments.

This has prompted others in the medical field to point out other very promising uses for stem cell therapy.  One very active area for stem cell therapy right now is for repairing joint damage.  Promedica Sports Care Dr. Roger Kruse offers the treatment in his practice at Wildwood Family Practice.

“Stem cells and regenerative medicine is going to transform medicine,” says Kruse.

Kruse is also Howe’s personal physician, and was equally impressed with the outcome of his stem cell therapy.  The difference between Howe’s therapy is that his therapy used donated adult stem cells, while the stem cell therapy Kruse does uses the patient’s own stem cells. Healthy stem cells are drawn and then injected into the damaged joint, allowing new cartilage to grow. “What we’re seeing is about a 60-percent improvement in pain and function at a year which is phenomenal. People that were going to get total hips and knees no longer need them,” says Kruse.

Stem cells are also being used to repair heart damage following a heart attack.  Cardiologist Dr. Ameer Kabour from Toledo Cardiology Consultants says stem cells are injected directly into the heart muscle.  “It just regenerated and you will find the damaged area getting smaller, basically is the theory that is working at this point,” says Kabour.  “It is improving heart function in patients involved in clinical trials up to a third, which is very significant for these patients,”

While the stem cell therapy that Dr. Kruse performs is available locally, the other stem cell treatments are being tested around the country in tightly controlled clinical trials.  But all doctors agree we will see these treatments start to be widely available within 3 to 5 years. The drawback is always the cost which is not covered by insurance.  The stem cell therapy that uses the patient’s own stem cells is 7-thousand dollars a treatment, and the stem cell therapy that uses donated adult stem cells runs 20-thousand.

However, stem cell supplements is one form of adult stem cell therapy that is affordable and they are available now.  Although not as powerful as full stem cell replacement therapy performed in an outpatient clinic, the Stem Cell Worx supplement provides a steady and continuous release of one’s own adult stem cells for ongoing repair, renewal and recovery throughout the entire body.  Click here to read more:

For more information on various clinical trials using stem cells visit:


Cell Signaling Is The Holy Grail To Healthy Aging

Sunday, January 18th, 2015

Tennis Couple

Healthy aging is of interest to everyone, but especially the 76 million Baby Boomers who are approaching retirement whose desire is to age with grace and good health. Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) seek to increase health quality, endurance and longevity without side effects. The key to aging successfully is to adapt to a formidable and sometimes hostile environment the natural way. The predicted lifespan today is 75-85 years and there are many more people living to 100 years or older than ever before.

In general, society and many medical communities are ill-prepared to provide effective health care to people living into their senior years. Complications from drug toxicity are too common in this vulnerable population of seniors.

Prescribed Drugs

Chronic diseases and degenerative conditions play a major role in death today. Quality of life, drug costs and drug toxicity are significant concerns for this first group (the parent’s of Baby Boomers) to experience longevity. The Institute of Medicine reports that senior citizens take at least six prescriptions daily without knowing their interactions. Use of prescription drugs is the 3rd leading cause of death in hospitals today and drug-drug interactions are the 8th leading cause of death.

Health Care And Aging

There is much to learn on the natural process of aging. Many Government-entitlement programs are unprepared. Neither Medicare nor social security systems are financially able to defray medical costs. Medicare is already overwhelmed with claims it is not paying. The needs and requirements of Baby boomers’ increase the burden. These are the years for education prior to immediate decision-making moments regarding lifestyle, attitude, spending habits and value changes. Once a health or life-style challenge is upon us, it is often too late to start thinking about healthy aging.

Cell Signaling Is An Important Facet of Biological Life

There is an emerging trend in longevity medicine to prepare us for healthy aging, called cell signaling and it is significant. The entire body is naturally wired for cell signaling thus the body can repair, restore and coordinate physiological and psychological activities. This enables seniors to optimally adapt to physical and psychological stressors.

Cell signaling occurs through small proteins in the body called growth factors. Growth factors travel through the lymphatic, blood and electro-magnetic highways of the body and inform cells about environments around them and activate adult stem cells that then migrate to areas in need of repair and renewal. Growth factors transmit information to the genome to change or trigger a cell’s behavior that supports healthy aging. Growth factor communication balances and integrates the mind with the body for a first line of defense at any stage of life.

Cell signaling begins before birth and ends just before death. Loss of cell signaling underlies ineffective adaptation. Inability to adapt is the pathway to death. Cell signaling is such an important facet of biological life and this is now acknowledged by scientists worldwide.

To stay healthy, as well as repair cell damage during aging, our cells continuously talk to each other and they determine how to behave in context with the surrounding environment.

A New Approach To Cell Signaling

Cell signaling is fundamental to coping with stress, the underlying component of functional aging. A new non-prescription approach to cell signaling is being seen by the majority of Healthcare Practitioners, Bio-Chemists, Laboratories and Biotechnology companies around the globe as one of the most effective, best and safest approaches.

It is clinically proven that natural growth factors enhance adaptation to stressful environments. Cell-to-cell communication is fundamental to health and unbalanced cell signaling undermines coping with stress, a core ingredient of aging. Cell signaling turns people away from disease processes. The cell signaling approach promotes quality of life and naturally transitions the body through its many life stages.

Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)

Researchers discovered that the central nervous system regulates aging and longevity. Growth factors regulate longevity in the mind. The nervous system is in constant communication with the immune and hormonal systems using a key cell signaling factor, called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a multipurpose signaling molecule addressing stress, metabolism and coordination of restorative/healing events. IGF-1 protects the mind and the body at the cellular level.

A Unique Supplement – Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray Has Growth & Immune Factors

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is the most powerful stem cell supplement on the market. Why? Because it is one of the few available stem cell supplements that contains pure ingredients that stimulate natural growth and immune factors (IGF-1, IGF-2, Transforming GFs A and B, Epidermal-GF, Fibroblast GF, Fibroblast GF plus immune factors including immunoglobulins, peptides, cytokines) and these are absolutely vital for cell to cell communication, initiation and activation of adult stem cells that repair, replenish and rejuvenate our body as well as strengthen the immune system.

Adult stem cell activation provides many health benefits including:

  • abundant energy
  • super charges the immune system
  • improves mental clarity and focus
  • supports anti-inflammatory response and speeds up the metabolism
  • provides repair and recovery after surgery, injury or illness
  • provides rapid recovery after exercise.

This health supplement helps those with minor to severe health challenges through to those who are very fit and active wanting to maintain their good health for many years. Testimonials are available on the website.

Furthermore, this health supplement is administered through intraoral spray (sprayed under the tongue enabling up to 95% of its nutrients to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream) whereas pills and capsules only provide a 10% to 20% absorption rate at best. This patent protected supplement is manufactured in the U.S.A. by a long established Laboratory that specializes in molecule biology.

All product claims are backed by independent science and clinical research. This supplement is available from the website. If you would like to receive further information, including the latest news on stem cell breakthroughs and health supplementation email:  [email protected] with the subject line “more information.”

Clinical Studies Involving IGF-1 

Pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies using IGF-1 evidenced quality of life and repair benefits. Clinical studies that tested homeopathic growth factors, including IGF-1 significantly improved the immunity, nervous system and metabolism in people who had been infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for an average of seven to twenty years. The studies demonstrated cell signaling treatments helped people achieve functional immune, nervous and hormonal system benefits compared to the placebo. The HIV virus was also reduced in patients who participated in the studies and their immune cell numbers increased. Herbs and vitamins were not able to provide these benefits.

In terms of the ability to deal with stress factors both internally and externally, natural growth factors and cell to cell signaling are emerging as the holy grail to healthy aging and maintaining one’s quality of life.

For more information on stem cell benefits and news email the Stem Cell Worx Headquarters in Nevada:  [email protected] with the subject line “more information”