Archive for the ‘adult stem cells’ Category

Man’s Heart Saved By His Own Stem Cells

Friday, February 4th, 2011

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — For the first time in the United States, one man’s heart has been saved by his own stem cells.

It’s an amazing medical breakthrough.  The science behind the technique made it possible for a man to literally save his own life through his stem cells.

John Christy is the first person in the U.S. to have his own bone marrow stem cells injected into his heart to save his heart.

“All you’re doing is giving back to yourself something you already have,” said Christy.

This Vietnam veteran was suffering from severe coronary artery disease.

“I was just thinking, ‘You’re getting old, you’re just tiring out and getting weary bones.’ I felt tingling. My legs had been swelling a little bit,” said Christy.

In one procedure, cardiothoracic surgeon Joseph Woo at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine is taking science from bench to bedside. After five years of research in animals, he is now retrieving stem cells from Christy’s bone marrow and using them to grow blood vessels around the heart.

“They form brand new micro blood vessels and deliver blood flow to the heart muscle,” said Woo.

He has started the first U.S. trial where stem cells are harvested during surgery, prepped and then re-inserted back into the patient’s own heart.

Results for Christy were seen almost immediately.

“I noticed two days after my surgery, I had much more ‘umph,'” said Christy.

It’s the same process that saved 76-year-old Christina McDonald, only it wasn’t arteries in her heart that were damaged. McDonald’s problem was in her legs.

“Sort of like a charley-horse where the muscles stiffen up,” said McDonald.

The arteries in her leg were clogged with plaque, putting her at risk for heart attack, stroke and amputation. Traditionally, doctors treat it with stents, angioplasties or bypasses.  But now they’re using stem cells.

“We basically take stem cells from their hips to help grow blood vessels. It creates new, smaller blood vessels that give blood supply to the limb,” said Dr. Randall Franz, a vascular surgeon at Grant Medical Center.

It worked for McDonald.  Three months later, her pain is gone.

The same goes for Christy.  His only wish is that science was working faster.  He lost his wife to heart disease one year ago.

“I wish that she could have had this,” said Christy.

A similar procedure is being done in Europe. The difference is Woo does his in one short surgery.

In Europe, it takes at least two procedures, weeks apart.

Woo says any patient who is a candidate for coronary bypass surgery is a good candidate for his stem-cell transplant.

(Copyright ©2011 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

Stem Cell Success for Parkinson’s Patient

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010 

Stem Cell Parkinson’s Patient, Stan Lahovec advises Doctors in Germany where he received his stem cell treatment that “You gave me back my life.”
[Watch Stan’s Video Below]
My name is Stan Lahovec, I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia.  Originally I come from Slovenia but I’ve been Australian citizen for more than 30 years.

By trade, I am an optical technician and have been working in the industry since March, 1984.  My passion is oil painting, which I had to put on hold because of my disease.

About three years ago, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.  Nobody in my family has the disease, so it was a complete surprise when the doctor told me the news.

Most disturbing was the knowledge that there is no cure for this debilitating disease as I was told by the doctors.

In April this year, my step daughter Marina told me that Helensvale was hosting an informational evening about Parkinson’s disease.   My wife and I attended the presentation where we learned about adult stem cells and got the information about a clinic in Germany.

Soon thereafter, I contacted Mr. Issam Errahmaoui, the Area Manager at the Center and the “ball started rolling”.

On October 15th, I arrived in Frankfurt where nurse Stefanie from the Centre collected me at the airport and drove me to Cologne, where I met other friendly staff, as well as Mr. Issam.

On Monday October 18th, the bone marrow collection was performed.

Two days later, the transplantation of stem cells was done very professionally.  I hardly felt anything. There was no pain and no bruises.  Doctor gave me some pain killers, but I never needed any.

On Saturday, October 23rd, I boarded the plane on my way to see friends and family in Slovenia, where I spent two wonderful weeks on holidays recovering and where the healing process began.

November the 4th was the day to say goodbye to all my friends and family.  I boarded the plane in Graz to Frankfurt and Marina, my stepdaughter, joined me in Frankfurt for the flight to Singapore.  The journey was smooth and a little boring.

Finally, we arrived in Singapore where we had to disembark.  We waited few hours to board the Sydney-bound plane (Qantas A380).   All went ok.  Marina and I were seated next to the window. At takeoff, the whole plane started to shake like an earthquake.  I thought we`re going to crash but after few long seconds, which seemed like eternity, the plane stabilised and we started to ascend.  Everybody was relieved of the sudden fear.

Marina and I were talking, hoping the journey home will be fine and smooth when suddenly, just after 20 minutes of flying, there was a loud bang and huge flame shot out of the engine number one.  At first I didn`t know what to make of it, then I froze and couldn`t move.  My mind went into high gear. I saw pictures of my life flashing in front of me, then everything went blank. In the distance, I heard screaming and shouting and didn’t understand what it was all about.  Then I turned around and saw panic on other passengers faces around me. I sat still; frozen in my seat.  I wasn’t aware of how long that lasted, when suddenly, I heard loud clapping and cheering.  Then I realized that we had landed safely back in Singapore.

To me the whole thing froze in time. I only snapped back to reality when I felt the wheels touch the ground.  We were safely back from the brink.  Next we got off the plane.  After the fire brigade inspected the damage, we were sent to the hotel overnight, totally exhausted.

The next day, we boarded another plane and safely arrived in Sydney.  We took another plane to Brisbane without much drama.  We got home and two days later I couldn’t move.  It was like I was paralysed and all good work that was done by my stem cells and dedicated doctors in Germany was for nothing.

Only after a couple of weeks passed by, I started to get better and am still getting better by the day.  At first, I was able to shave by myself.  Next, I could eat without help.  Now, I can drive my car and walk straight upright.  I feel like a new man.

Today, I went to see my GP and he was speechless; seeing my transformation.  He thinks I have improved about 80%.  I even took my paintbrush and unfinished pictures and started to paint again; which is making me very happy.

I thank you Mr. Errahmaoui.  Your team of doctors and staff deserve all the gratitude and praise in this world.

You gave me back my life. Forever in your debt.

Stan Lahovec

Watch Stan’s video below: