Archive for the ‘adult stem cells’ Category

Stem Cell Transplant Success

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

[By Thomas Swigert – Feb 25, 2011 – WFRV-TV]

Charlie Knuth, from Darboy, suffers from a genetic disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa. It causes painful open sores on soft tissues inside and outside the body. 

These sores could cause constant pain for Charlie. The simple act of a touch could mean the instant loss of skin.

But after a ground-breaking stem-cell transplant at Amplatz Children’s Hospital in Minnesota late last year, Charlie’s mother Trisha can finally touch her son without fear.

This video shows the incredible benefits of stem cells and the important role they play in supporting and strengthening our immune system

New Skin, New Health, New Life.

Watch this 4 year old’s remarkable progress in just a matter of weeks following his stem cell transplant.

Skin Gun Sprays Healing Adult Stem Cells

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

6. February 2011

A team at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine have continued in their development of a “skin gun” that sprays a patient’s adult stem cells onto a burn, resulting in quicker, more effective healing.

This astounding video shows the effectiveness of the spray-on adult stem cell technique.

Dr. Gerlach’s team has been instrumental in developing the technique of using sprayed suspensions of adult stem cells to treat surface wounds and burns.