Archive for February, 2014

Fixing Hearts with Stem Cells

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

The most dangerous heart attack is known as a STEMI. It’s when the artery in the heart completely blocks blood flow. Every minute counts when it comes to surviving a STEMI. Now, a patient’s own stem cells from the bone marrow could hold the key to recovery.  Click this video to hear more.

Stem Cell Benefits of Saving Baby’s Teeth

Monday, February 10th, 2014

“Stem cells can really provide a great source of fighting a disease later in life, so it’s not a bad idea to harvest the stem cells in the baby teeth, if you have the ability too,” says Dr. Alani.

Dentist, Dr. Terrie Alani explains in this video.

Stem Cell Benefits of Saving Baby’s Teeth
