Posts Tagged ‘stem cell news’

Stem Cell Worx – Empowering Consumers and Health Professionals

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is one health supplement that is growing in popularity fast.

The sublingual delivery is rapid and extremely effective, enabling up to 95% of its natural, pure ingredients to be absorbed quickly into the body, whereas pills and capsules only provide a 10% to 20% absorption rate.  This dietary supplement targets advanced immune response, cellular repair and renewal.  These fundamentals are the core essence to life and good health and provide the platform for many cumulative health benefits.

Click the link below to read the full press release about Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray:



Adult Stem Cell Treatments

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Extraordinary progress continues to be made by the Mayo Clinic with regards to adult stem cells. This work, in the near future, will benefit so many people that have organ damage, and those who require organ transplants.

Adult stem cell treatments will continue to exceed our expectations and will bring the most exciting medical breakthroughs in the 21st century.  Watch the video below from 7 News.