StemCellWorx Articles

Man Who Was Paralyzed From The Neck Down Walks Again After Stem Cell Therapy By The Mayo Clinic

May 27th, 2024

A man who was paralyzed from the neck down after a surfing accident seven years ago is now able to stand and walk on his own, thanks in part to a potentially groundbreaking stem cell treatment.

Chris Barr was the very first patient in a Mayo Clinic study that collected stem cells from his own stomach fat, expanded them in a laboratory to 100 million cells and then injected the cells into Barr’s lumbar spine.

Spinal cord injuries are the most difficult to treat. To treat paralysis a vast amount of stem cells are needed, and they must be positioned with precision long enough to do their work. It is wonderful to see more studies being progressed and new hope for those with spinal cord injuries.  Watch this Good Morning America video here:  

Watch video here:

Future Directions in Stem Cell Therapy

May 23rd, 2024

Stem cell technology and therapy represents a significant advancement in medical treatment and continues to revolutionize the future of repair and renewal capabilities for the entire body. 

This innovative approach harnesses the unique potential of stem cells to differentiate into a wide range of cell types. This capability allows for the replacement of cells lost due to disease or injury.  Furthermore, stem cell therapy presents a promising alternative to traditional treatments and conventional methods that often come with higher risks and limited effectiveness. 

The benefits of stem cell therapy are diverse and transformative. They have the potential to change the treatment landscape for patients with chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and neurological conditions, among many others. By targeting the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction, rather than merely addressing symptoms, stem cell treatments offer a pathway to long-lasting relief and improved quality of life.

Read the following article to learn more about these incredible advancements:

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy: Unlocking Regenerative Medicine’s Potential (

Stem Cell Worx News - Clinically Proven Stem Cell Supplement