Ongoing clinical trials prove adult stem cells are the holy grail for treating back pain.
Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Worx’ Category
Treating Back Pain with Adult Stem Cells
Sunday, April 13th, 2014Get up Early and Gain 10.5 Hours In Just 1 Week
Sunday, April 13th, 2014Do you feel like you never have enough hours in the day? Follow this tip and your life will change instantly.
Get up at 6am instead of 7.30am every day. In just one week you will have gained 10.5 hours of action time.
In one year you will have gained 546 hours. This is an extra 1.5 months a year of extra activity time, which is huge.
I am not saying skip your sleep time but you can either go to bed a little earlier or if you are someone who doesn’t need exactly 8 hours sleep every night, your body won’t even notice. You can always do the wake up early regime for 6 days a week instead of 7, and have a sleep in once a week. Your body, mind and soul will reward you for waking up early and getting ahead. Not only will you be more organized, you will be more alert and energized, and you will accomplish so much more each and every day.
I remember listening to Wayne Dyer a few years back and he advised if your subconscious mind ever wakes you, get up and act upon it. Don’t ignore the signal, don’t fight it as this is a calling of some sort. Wayne said you should actually get up if you have an important thought or task on your mind. Don’t lie in bed stressing or just thinking about it, and don’t scroll through your emails on your cellphone while still in bed when you receive one of these signals.
Get up and act – go for a walk, turn on your IPad or computer in another room, open your journal or note pad and jot down some thoughts and goals. Ensure you give full concentration and focus to those thoughts that are on your mind at that very moment. I thought this was very good advice and I do this on a regular basis.
I wake up early at least 6 days out of the 7 each week and I accomplish so much more each day. I still spend the same amount of time in the bathroom, and I still visit the local coffee shop and relax for 20 minutes before my actual work day starts. It is great that our local Starbucks opens at 4.30am.
This brings me to another point.
How long does it take you or your partner to get ready in the mornings? Us girls often get moaned at for how long it takes us to get ready in the mornings, but I have to say, I know guys who take just as long as us girls to get ready in the mornings. Share your thoughts.