Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Worx’ Category

Adult Stem Cell Treatment Saves Former Navy Fighter Pilot’s Life

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

James Danhakl, a former Navy fighter pilot, was wheelchair bound and rapidly deteriorating from CIDP [chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly], an acute autoimmune disease, when he underwent treatment using his own adult stem cells.  He shares the story of his incredible recovery in this video.

Successful Stem Cell Transplant For Paralyzed Man

Friday, October 24th, 2014

Groundbreaking Spinal Surgery

LONDON, Oct 24 — A man, paralyzed after being attacked with a knife, is able to walk again thanks to adult stem cell research.

A team of scientists from the UK and Poland managed to take cells from the patient’s nose and ankle and repair the damaged cells in his spine.

The professor who led the research, Geoff Raisman, explains how it was done.

See video at:

Source: Bloomberg