Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Worx’ Category

Young Boy Receives Miraculous Stem Cells For Arthritis

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

By Melissa Wilson, Anchor & Health Reporter, Houston (Fox 26)

HOUSTON (FOX 26) – When you think about arthritis, you may imagine a middle-aged adult suffering from joint pain, but a toddler was suffering so severely, he couldn’t even eat and began fighting for his life. However, a new state-of-the-art stem cell procedure has him back on his feet and feeling well for the first time, in a long time.

Tucker Hyatt, from Pearland, was the first child in the U.S. to undergo stem cell therapy for arthritis. Tucker was born as healthy as can be, but when he turned two, his health suddenly declined.  That’s when his parents were told, ‘Your son has systemic juvenile arthritis.”

Click video link below to see Tucker’s journey back to wellness

FOX 26 News | MyFoxHouston

Endless Possibilities With Adult Stem Cells

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

Doctor Timothy Murray is a leader in the field of Regenerative and Aesthetic Medicine.  His Practice is Solstice Health in Wisconsin. In this video, Doctor Murray speaks on The Morning Blend about the endless possibilities that regenerative stem cell therapy provides, using one’s own adult stem cells, not only for joint and knee replacements but also for major diseases.