Archive for the ‘Stem Cell Worx’ Category

Support and Stem Cells Provide Marina With A Second Chance

Sunday, May 8th, 2016

Irish Family

Marina Jordan Killoran (45) suffers with an incurable auto-immune disease called Systemic Scleroderma and was told by medics she needed a stem cell transplant, which is not available in her homeland Ireland.  She must travel to the USA for this life saving treatment.  The good news is she now can.

Just a few weeks ago Marina put out a video as it emerged her stem cell transplant would cost $125,000 (€109,000), not including travel, accommodation or aftercare expenses.

In just 7 days from the start of the appeal via the Irish Newspaper, “The Independent”, donations came flooding in and €130,000 was raised. Marina’s stem cell transplant was booked immediately and will be performed at the Chicago Clinic in the USA on June 20th.

Overjoyed Marina said: “This is a second chance at life. It’s incredible.”

“We are euphoric, it’s just such a turnaround in just one week,” she said.

The cash raised will also allow her husband and two daughters to travel with her to the U.S.A.  Marina insisted that any extra cash will be put back into supporting others suffering with the disease.

“If I can continue and I am in good health I just want to dedicate my life towards helping others with this illness.”

Systemic Scleroderma or “thickened skin” creates an overproduction of protein collagen in the body.

Marina has the more severe form of the disease which means her internal organs are also affected. Her lungs, oesophagus and stomach are now damaged – and there is also an anomaly with her heart.

Watch video of Marina sharing her heartfelt story here:

An Update – Four Months After Stem Cell Treatment For MS

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

In this video a multiple sclerosis patient talks about significant improvements following his stem cell treatment.

Just four months after treatment the patient has started to lead a very active life.