Archive for the ‘prevent ageing’ Category

Emerging Science Shows It’s Possible To Stay Healthier and Live Longer

Saturday, August 23rd, 2014

This Baby Will Live To Be 120

The elderly population is rapidly rising. In 1950, there were 205 million people aged 60 years or over, while in 2000 there were 606 million. By 2050, the global population aged 60 or over is projected to expand by more than three times its current level; reaching nearly 2 billion people.  Of these, the number of people aged 80 years or more is set to almost quadruple to 395 million between now and 2050.

This is incredible, especially when in 1910 the life expectancy of a Chilean female was 33 years.  Today, it is 82 years, and this increase is similar for most nationalities. This represents a remarkable gain of almost 50 additional years in one century, which is largely due to public health improvements.  However, many leading scientists are predicting the best is yet to come.

The May 2013 issue of the National Geographic Magazine carried a picture of a baby on its cover with the headline:  “This Baby Will Live To Be 120” with the title “It’s not hype, new science could lead to very long lives.”  Obviously though, quality of life is just as important when it comes to longevity.

Harvard geneticist, David Sinclair’s work is widely documented. In 2006, he led a team of Harvard Scientists to discover “resveratrol” reversed the aging process in cells.  Resveratrol (250 times more effective when taken by intraoral spray) is a natural occurring compound that enhances mitochondria, the cell’s energy factories that lead to a more efficient metabolism and the body having less toxic waste.

Sinclair reports ‘There are now a number of compounds being tested in the lab that greatly slow down the aging process and delay the onset of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.”

Aging is a process characterized by progressive functional decrease of all organs, morphological changes, and immune system-related changes at the cellular and molecular levels, which determine less adaptive biologic functions. The immune system alternations in the elderly are comprehensively known as immunosenescence. Immunosenescence refers to the gradual deterioration of the immune system. This phenomenon is characterized by an accumulation of changes that progressively result in dysfunctional or compromised immune responses.  Having a healthy and strong immune system is vital throughout one’s entire life time. A weak immune system provides an opening for viruses, fungi and parasites to take hold, which can then lead to cancer. The immune system is extremely important as it protects the body against infection. It is a fact that cancer-related mortality increases with age: 70% of all malignancy-related deaths are registered in people aged 65 or older.

Multiple aspects of aging are involved that include: thymic involution (which is the shrinking of the thymus with age), shifts in the number, distribution and activity of T- and B- lymphocytes, reduced availability of CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells, impaired production of naïve B-cells in the bone marrow, dysfunction of antigen presenting cells (APCs), alterations of cytokines production, frequent immunoglobulin production, skewing of B cell production that are more likely to generate auto-antibodies.  Inflammation has also been shown to be a promoter of cellular senescence (which is the phenomenon when cells lose their ability to divide or replicate and they reach what is known as their Hayflick limit).

Environmental modifications (e.g. increments of oxygen concentration and free oxygen radicals, DNA damage), and stress can also induce the aging process. In addition, telomeres shorten with age and stem cell regeneration and release rates decline.

To see more about the nine cycles of aging please click this link to an earlier blog.

Advanced science and technologies are enabling incredible breakthroughs to occur, especially in the field of gene therapy and stem cells.  These major advancements are being supported by a multitude of recently published clinical trials and research papers.

This is why adult stem cell abilities are so incredible. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells, found throughout the body after development, that multiply by cell division to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. Adult stem cells are found in juvenile as well as adult animals and human bodies.

Scientific interest in adult stem cells is centered on their ability to divide or self-renew indefinitely, and generate all the cell types of the organ from which they originate, potentially regenerating the entire organ from a few cells. Unlike embryonic stem cells, the use of human adult stem cells in research and therapy is not considered to be controversial, as adult stem cells are derived from adult tissue and reside in one’s body after we are born, rather than having to come from a human embryo.

A recent paper published by the journal Cell Stem Cell reported human stem cells (HSC) residing in the end (trabecular region) of the bones display the highest regenerative ability of the blood and immune system.  “Like the best professional hockey players, our findings indicate blood stem cells are not all equal,” said Bhatia. Bhatia, who also holds a Canada Research Chair in Human Stem Cell Biology, said that cells surrounding the best blood stem cells are critically important, as these “stem cell neighbors” at the end of the bone provide the unique instructions that give these human blood stem cells their superior regenerative abilities.

It is only now that these findings have been validated even though bone marrow transplants have been done for more than 50 years and are routine in most hospitals, providing a life-saving treatment for cancer and other diseases including leukemia, anemia, and immune disorders.

There is no doubt about it. With so many advanced anti-aging, biological and scientific developments on the horizon we are living in very exciting times. Keeping our own adult stem cells active and healthy is vital. Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is at the forefront of stem cell nutrition with its high grade, pure ingredients (including a 98% pure trans-resveratrol) and its intraoral spray delivery provides maximum absorption.

Watch the video below to hear about latest findings on how resveratrol helps prohibit tumor cells.


June 9, 2014 – Source: Mount Sinai Medical Center
August 1, 2013 – Source: McMaster University
Immunity & Ageing 2012, 9:4 doi:10.1186/1742-4933-9-4.

Hallmarks of Aging – Why Cell Health Is Everything

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Spanish Scientists conducted a review and their scientific findings were recently released in a pub med paper.  They found there are nine predominant hallmarks of aging.

Of significant relevance, is this scientific research shows almost all the hallmarks of aging have an association at the cellular level.

Aging research has experienced an unprecedented advance over recent years, particularly with the discovery that the rate of aging is controlled, at least to some extent by genetic pathways and biochemical processes conserved in evolution.

The Review enumerates nine tentative hallmarks that represent common denominators of aging in different organisms, with special emphasis on mammalian aging.   Aging is characterized by a progressive loss of physiological integrity, leading to impaired function and increased vulnerability to death.

Here are the nine hallmarks of aging, accompanied by explanation notes:

1)  Genomic Instability

Genomic instability refers to the high frequency of mutations within the genome of a cellular lineage.  As DNA changes occur, failures accumulate and the DNA becomes less likely to fix itself.

2)  Telomere Attrition

Telomeres are the terminal caps of chromosomes that become shorter as individuals age. The leading hypothesis is that telomere attrition is due to inflammation, exposure to infectious agents, and other types of oxidative stress, which damage telomeres and impair their repair mechanisms.

3)  Epigenetic Alterations

The term epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression that does not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence; a change in phenotype without a change in genotype.

In additional to heritable changes, epigenetic change is influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state.

4)  Loss of Proteostasis

Proteostasis relates to folding, trafficking and degradation of proteins present within and outside the cell.  Changes and accumulation of misfolded proteins is a factor in the aging process and is responsible for the onset of certain diseases (i.e. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and ALS diseases).  As many of the diseases associated with protein aggregation increase in frequency with age, it seems cells lose the ability to clear misfolded proteins and they then aggregate over time.

Small molecule agents have been shown to reduce protein aggregation.  In cell culture systems, resveratrol supplementation produced beneficial results against the accumulation of the amyloid-beta peptide, a main culprit in Alzheimer’s disease.

5)  Deregulated Nutrient Sensing  

Nutrient sensing is a cell’s ability to recognize and respond to fuel substrates such as glucose.

The level and type of fuel that is available to a cell will determine the type of enzymes it needs to express from its genome for utilization. Nutrients are a key regulator of tissue growth. As we age, the body becomes less efficient at absorbing certain nutrients and it automatically takes less nutrients to repair itself.

This is why exercise and consuming the right foods at regular intervals is essential.  To do this give your body the right nutrients by eating organic, natural foods, ensure you stay hydrated and take quality health supplements.

Although scientific evidence shows calorie restriction can increase lifespan, it also shows that calorie restriction for long periods of time is harmful.

6)  Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mitochondrial is the enzyme that stimulates the cell to produce more energy and grow, which then increases the metabolic rate.  Cells require a lot of energy in order to function correctly.

In 2003, Doctors Baur and Sinclair at the Harvard University discovered resveratrol and found it improved mitochondrial function and protected against metabolic disease.  They also found resveratrol increased the lifespan of organisms and animal species by 20-40%.  In 2009, Christopher Paul Erdman found that resveratrol enriched mesenchymal stem cells that are traditionally adult stem cells found in the bone marrow.  Be sure to take liquid resveratrol via intraoral spray delivery as it is proven to be the most effective route of absorption for humans (250 times more effective in an intraoral spray delivery as this overcomes the “first past effect” that is associated with pills and capsules).

7)  Cellular Senescence

Cellular senescence is the phenomenon when healthy cells lose their ability to divide or replicate.  They reach what is known as the hayflick limit.  Adult stem cells are the master cells of the body (that are with us from the day we are born).  They are responsible for cellular rejuvenation, tissue and muscle repair and regeneration, and immune response throughout our lifetime. As long as the adult stem cells remain activated and keep dividing they maintain their ability of self-renewal and they continue to keep repairing.  However, as we age, the ability of one’s own adult stem cells to divide and self-renew is naturally programmed to occur more slowly, their release rates reduce and they also decrease in number.  Our adult stem cells therefore begin to lose their ability to repair tissues and our immune system becomes compromised, making us more susceptible to illness and disease.

8)  Stem Cell Exhaustion

There are consequences associated with the decrease and exhaustion of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), satellite cells, and intestinal epithelial stem cells (IESCs).   Altered intercellular communication occurs and this is associated with aging.

Dr Burton Feinerman reported in 2009 in the Ethiopian Review, Health News Digest that approaches to treat stem cell aging in organs include (A) stimulate existing stem cells to increase in numbers (B) administer specific lines of stem cells to repair damaged tissue and introduce young healthy cells to the organ.   These approaches are now available through stem cell replacement treatments and stem cell supplements.

9)  Altered Intercellular Communication

Intercellular communication relates to the manner in which cells communicate with one another.  Cell signaling is part of a complex system of communication that governs basic cellular activities and coordinates cell actions.  Cell signaling errors are linked to degenerative and autoimmune diseases.

The four most common ways in which human cells communicate are:

  • Cell to Cell Contact
  • Proteins
  • Hormones
  • Electrical and Chemical Signals.  Electrical and chemical signals are responsible for communicating extremely complex messages between neurons or between neurons and muscles cells.

Hallmarks of Aging Functional Interconnections


This graph illustrates the nine hallmarks of aging as described in this Review. Reference: Cell Press.

This graph illustrates the nine hallmarks of aging as described in this Review. Reference: Cell Press.

To view this document in a printable format click here.  Hallmarks of Aging – Why Cell Health Is Everything.


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