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Resveratrol Provides Health Benefits To Diabetics

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

Latest clinical study shows resveratrol helps to improve arterial stiffness and reduce oxidative damage in diabetics.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol.  Resveratrol has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  It has been widely publicized for its cardiovascular health benefits and stimulation of the SIRT1 enzyme that is responsible for the growth of new mitochondria (the engines of cells) that increase the metabolic rate, which has been found to aid weight loss, increase endurance and help slow the aging process.

Resveratrol also activates sirtuins, which are the same proteins activated by caloric restriction and exhibits anti-atherosclerotic effects.

According to a study published in July 2017 in the International Heart Journal, researchers demonstrated the intake of resveratrol improved arterial stiffness and reduced oxidative damage in patients with type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study consisted of 50 patients with T2DM. All participants received either a supplement containing 100 mg of resveratrol or a placebo tablet for 12 weeks.  Researchers assessed body weight, BMI, a comprehensive metabolic panel, HbA1c, lipid profile, oxidative stress markers, blood pressure, and cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). All patients followed the same diet and exercise routine.

After 12 weeks, the CAVI and systolic blood pressure significantly decreased in the resveratrol group compared to the placebo group. An increased CAVI is associated with cardiovascular disease, stroke and vascular dysfunction, and is a predictor of a future cardiovascular event independent of other traditional risk factors. D-ROMS, which is an oxidative stress marker, also decreased only in the resveratrol group.  Furthermore the study found resveratrol decreased reactive oxygen species production in vascular endothelial cells. Oxidative stress is elevated in chronic disease such as obesity and diabetes.

These results therefore support resveratrol supplementation as a strategy for mitigating arterial stiffness and reducing blood pressure and oxidative damage with patients who have type II diabetes.

Resveratrol is 250 times more effective when taken by buccal and intraoral delivery (absorbed through the oral mucosa (tissues which line the mouth). Its best source comes from Japanese knotweed (also known as polygonum cuspidatum). See reference links below.

All Stem Cell Worx products are delivered by intraoral application (spray in the mouth) and they contain a pure, 99% trans-resveratrol from Japanese knotweed.  For further details click this link:


Imamura H et al. Resveratrol Ameliorates Arterial Stiffness Assessed by Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Int Heart J. 2017 Jul 13. doi: 10.1536/ihj.16-373.


The Secret To Living Longer Is Out AND Living 15% Longer Is Not Far Off

Monday, July 31st, 2017

This week, Nature Journal revealed incredible science and research, showing a pea sized component of the brain that contains stem cells is vital to delaying aging and extending lifespan.

This breakthrough shows hypothalamus (a very small part of the brain) controls aging.  The treated mice remained fitter and lived 10-15% longer.

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York are aiming to launch clinical trials on humans shortly.

These stem cells keep a tight rein on aging. As their numbers decline naturally with time or if their function is disrupted, the body’s organs and metabolic processes age faster and death occurs earlier.

“Of course humans are more complex,” said Dongsheng Cai, who led the research. However, humans are likely to respond to the influence of hypothalamus stem cells in just the same way, scientists believe.

Previous experiments had already hinted that the hypothalamus, an almond-sized part of the brain in humans, played some role in the aging process, but what it actually was remained unclear until now.

In the first of a series of experiments in mice, the U.S.A. Team led by Cai showed that neural stem cells, which are found in a handful of brain regions at birth, disappear from the hypothalamus over time. The stem cells are known to form fresh brain cells in youth, but the process slows down dramatically in adults. Though small, the hypothalamus forms a crucial connection between the body’s nervous and hormonal systems.

To test whether the decline in stem cells was causing aging, and not itself a result of old age, the researchers injected mice with a toxin that wiped out 70% of their neural stem cells. The effect was striking. Over the next few months the mice aged more rapidly than usual, and performed much worse than the controlled group on a battery of tests of endurance, coordination, social behavior and ability to recognize objects.  “The mice aged faster when these cells were removed during early aging,” Cai said. The animals died months earlier than the healthy controlled animals.  Also when the stem cells in middle-aged mice were selectively disrupted artificially, it led to “greatly accelerated aging”.

Next, the scientists looked at what happened when aged mice received injections of fresh neural stem cells. This time the mice lived longer than controls, typically several months more, an increase of 15%. If a similar extension was achieved in humans, a person with a life expectancy of 80 years could live to age 92.

Learn more about Stem Cell Worx and Brain Cell Worx (intraoral supplements that are clinically proven to activate one’s own brain and stem cells) here:

Journal Reference:

Yalin Zhang, Min Soo Kim, Baosen Jia, Jingqi Yan, Juan Pablo Zuniga-Hertz, Cheng Han, Dongsheng Cai. Hypothalamic stem cells control aging speed partly through exosomal miRNAsNature, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/nature23282