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Ann and Her Husband Get Fantastic Results From Stem Cell Worx

Friday, August 16th, 2019

Ann just provided this feedback on the fantastic results her and her husband are experiencing since taking Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray, the world’s only patent approved, clinically tried and tested sublingual stem cell supplement that provides fast and effective results for pain relief, more energy, less inflammation and building the immune system.

Thank you to all our wonderful clients who contact us about the range of Stem Cell Worx supplements and adult stem cell therapies in general.  Your business, feedback and support means so much to us.  It helps us continue to grow and educate so many people on adult stem cell therapies, the benefits of sublingual sprays and the importance of high quality ingredients.  Learn more at our official websites: and


Stem Cell Injections Will Have Rugby Player Owen Franks At The 2019 World Cup

Friday, August 2nd, 2019

When shoulder surgery looked like ruling Owen Franks out of the Rugby World Cup 2019, All Black Owen Franks was thrown a stem cell lifeline.

He opted for stem cell injections and they have given him a full recovery in a matter of weeks.

Watch video here: