High quality bovine colostrum is a supreme nutrient. Its primary focus is to give life to one’s cells and build immunity.
Bovine colostrum is identical in molecule structure to human colostrum but offers many more benefits. Bovine colostrum has far greater nutritional value and far more antibodies and growth factors than human colostrum. Along with strengthening immunity and providing rapid repair and renewal benefits for the entire body, it also contains vital proteins (antibodies) that fight infection.
It is extremely beneficial for every adult, from those wanting increased immunity, more energy and rapid healing, renewal and repair through to the fitness warrior. Many world-class athletes, service men and women also take bovine colostrum as it is proven to increase strength and endurance, prevent illness, is extremely beneficial for gut health, builds lean muscle, reduces heat-stress and accelerates recovery times after extreme training exercises.

1. What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the pre-milk substance or first lacteal secretion that is produced by all mammalian mothers immediately following the birth of their young. Colostrum is often referred to as the first milk however true colostrum is not milk. It may also be referred to “pre-milk” and this is accurate as it is the liquid that is produced prior to whole milk. Over 80% of the bioactive components of bovine colostrum are produced in the bone marrow and circulatory system. They are then transported through the mammary glands prior to the birth of the newborn. Unlike milk, which is produced almost entirely in the mammary glands, colostrum has a very different protein and nutritional structure to milk. Its nutritional value is far greater than milk, (i.e. the overall protein content in true bovine colostrum is upwards of 70% whereas mature cow’s milk contains only 3% protein) and true colostrum is only produced for a very short time (72 hours at most) before the full transition to whole milk occurs.
It is vital the label is checked before purchasing any colostrum product. On the supplement facts panel the immunoglobulin G (known as IgG) value of the colostrum should be stated. This vital antibody protein is secreted from the cells and travels in the bloodstream. It is the only class of immunoglobulin capable of crossing the placenta barrier. Its primary goal in the body for one’s entire lifetime is to fight against all infections and foreign invaders.
The IgG percentage value on a label demonstrates the quality and purity of the colostrum. High quality colostrum will show an IgG content over 25%. If the IgG level or value is not stated stay well away. Bovine colostrum that is collected after 72 hours of the calf being born means the colostrum is starting to transition to whole milk. This equates to a poor grade of colostrum that has much less nutritional value. See further details in the protein section of this article.
Colostrum is collected from cows the same way milk is. Colostrum is either yellowish or creamy in color. It is also thicker than milk.
The IgG percentage in Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is always over 30%. This is due to the guaranteed collection time always being within 24 hours of the cow giving birth. The colostrum in all Stem Cell Worx products comes from healthy grass-fed cows in the U.S.A. (completely free of artificial hormones, pesticides and BSE) and the unique processing techniques at the manufacturing laboratory ensure the nutritional values remain firmly intact.
2. Bovine Colostrum Contains Quality Protein and Vital Nutrients
Bovine colostrum is an incredible source of vital components and nutrients that provide repair, restoration and regeneration functions and strengthen the immune system. This is because bovine colostrum contains a high concentration of immune and growth factors, vitamins and minerals along with essential amino acids that are designed by nature to protect the body and transfer immunity from the mother to their newborn.
High grade bovine colostrum contains over ninety known compounds. Primary components within bovine colostrum include:
- immune factors (natural antibodies, immunoglobulins, proline-rich polypeptides, lactoferrin, cytokines, glycoproteins and leucocytes to name just a few) that are proven to initiate and prolong adult stem cell activation.
- growth factors (including IGF-1, IGF-2, Transforming Growth Factors A and B, Epidermal Growth Factor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Platelet-derived Growth Factor) that are vital to stimulate growth and help in the regeneration and acceleration of repair and renewal of muscle, skin, collagen, bone, cartilage, and nerve tissue.
- vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Colostrum’s is a rich source of the following vitamins:
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Thiamine (also known as thiamin and vitamin B)
- Folic Acid
- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
- Beta-carotene
- Retinoic Acid
Colostrum includes the following minerals:
- Calcium
- Chromium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Zinc
Protein Content in Bovine Colostrum
The protein content in bovine colostrum is substantially higher than that of mature milk. Virtually all of the protein in bovine colostrum is found in the whey fraction, primarily as immunoglobulin G (IgG) at 78% compared to only 3% in mature milk. High grade bovine colostrum also contains virtually no lactose therefore making it suitable for most adults who are lactose intolerant.
In contrast, the predominant protein of mature cow’s milk is casein. Casein is a milk-specific protein which is not present in the bloodstream. Casein is readily precipitated in the acid environment of the stomach then released slowly to the intestine, where it is then broken down. In contrast to whey proteins, casein also lacks the secondary and tertiary structures associated with functional proteins and because it’s a lot more susceptible to acid casein puts stress on the digestive system and can cause a number of side effects.

3. What are the Key Benefits of Bovine Colostrum?
There are over 5000 published PubMed studies evidencing the benefits of bovine colostrum.
Human health benefits that have been attributed to bovine colostrum include:
- cell regeneration and stimulation of adult stem cells (in particular mesenchymal stem cells). The abundant growth and immune factors in high quality colostrum are absolutely necessary to initiate and promote stem cells into the bloodstream and prolong adult stem cell activity when combined with other specialized ingredients or proteins.
- strengthening of the immune system.
- increased energy levels and endurance.
- improves muscle growth, supports tissue regeneration and repair.
- improves digestion, heals and protects the gut wall (significant benefits for those suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome) and has an association with lower risks of upper respiratory illnesses.
- provides anti-inflammatory and joint pain relief.
- an increased ability to burn body fat, build lean muscle and assists weight loss in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime.
- acceleration of healing after injury, illness and/or surgery and shortens recovery times after exercise.
4. Additional Information
When a calf is born it has no resistance to airborne diseases. It is therefore crucial the newborn calf receives antibodies from their mother’s colostrum within the first 12 hours of life otherwise there is an extremely high risk that the calf will die. The antibodies, (especially the high IgG content), vitamins and minerals from colostrum are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream after birth. After 24 hours, the efficiency of antibody transfer decreases as the colostrum from the cow starts to move into a transitional state, and thereafter (after 72 hours) only milk is produced. The cow produces enough colostrum in its first 12 hours of giving birth that allows for an adequate portion to be collected for human consumption within this timeframe, always allowing for enough colostrum to be left for the newborn calf. The collection of colostrum is a simple and similar process to that of milking that ensures no harm is done to the cow or its calf.
5. What You Must Look For When Buying Colostrum
In humans, it is scientifically proven that peptides, growth and immune factors are best absorbed through the submucosal membrane. This mucosal membrane and other tissues that sit under our tongue enable the absorption of nutrients to be as much as 95% where they immediately get into bloodstream. Pills, capsules and most tablets offer an absorption rate of only 10% to 20% at best. This metabolic process is known as the “first pass effect”, and results in the compounds being eliminated from the digestive and urinary system right after ingestion resulting in very poor absorption rates.
The most effective method of absorption (via the submucosal membrane) is called “intraoral” and in certain contexts may be referred to as buccal or sublingual administration. See references below. Many drug companies are now exploring the intraoral and buccal methods of delivery as they provide faster and more effective absorption of certain drug molecules (including insulin) and are the closest absorption methods to injection.
- The timeframe in which the bovine colostrum is collected is vital in terms of its nutritional value. Ensure product literature confirms the collection timeframe of the bovine colostrum. Quality bovine colostrum is always collected within 12 hours of the cow giving birth.
- Ensure the purity of the antibody IgG is noted on the label.
- Ensure the words milk proteins or milk compounds are not included, especially if noted without the IgG purity of the bovine colostrum being shown. This generally means a lesser degree of pure, bovine colostrum is contained within the supplement.
- Ensure the standalone ingredient “bovine colostrum” is noted on the label. Avoid products that state the word(s) “bovine colostrum extract or blend”; or “bovine colostrum extracts”; “bovine colostrum milk powder” or “bovine colostrum milk proteins” on the label.
- Ensure the ingredients are stated in mg (milligrams) or g (grams). IUs (International Units), Mcgs (micrograms) are like nanograms (ngs) and these measurements can equate to zilch.
6. Key Advantages of Intraoral Delivery of Bovine Colostrum
Intraoral delivery of bovine colostrum (sprayed under the tongue, hold then swallow) provides these major advantages:
- Increased bioavailability
- Higher plasma levels
- Rapid absorption and onset of actions
- Avoids pre-systemic elimination in the GI tract
- Avoids first-pass effect of the liver
- Avoids exposure to a hostile GI environment
- Ability to swallow is not required.
Maree Day, Co-Founder and Director Stem Cell Worx. Official website: http://www.stemcellworx.com
1. The intraoral route of administration has recently been investigated for insulin and heparin. [Reference: International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Research – ISSN: 2249-0337 – February 2013 and Life Enhancement Magazine].
2. Protein and Peptide Drug Delivery: Oral Approaches. Journal List Indian J Pharm Sci. v.70(3): May-June 2008. PMC2792531 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2792531/
3. A Must Read Before You Buy Health Supplements. http://www.stemcellworx.com/blog/read-before-you-buy-health-supplements
4. A Summary of Clinical Research and Pubmed Papers evidencing the benefits of Bovine Colostrum. http://www.stemcellworx.com.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Bovine-Colostrum-Clinical-Studies-and-Research-References-2011.pdf
5. Smart intraoral systems for advanced drug delivery – Liu – 2022 – MedComm – Biomaterials and Applications – Wiley Online Library.
Tags: best bovine colostrum, best colostrum, bovine colostrum best, buying colostrum, colostrum supplements, health benefits bovine colostrum, high quality colostrum, what is best colostrum